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Friday, August 25, 2006

Childhood photos

I have been scrapping a lot of my own childhood photos lately. It's really fun to take them and restore the color in my photo editing program. It's like they have new life. I need to go through my mom's stash of photos again and scan a bunch more.

Scrapbooking my photos and memories has been really fun. I have so many memories of growing up that I figured I should write them all down before I forget them one day. It's all still very vivid in my mind. Maybe it's because we moved away when I was 11 and all the growing up years were "fossilized" in my mind, connected to the place we lived and played. I hope my kids appreciate these memories and find them entertaining one day. Oh, and thank you to my parents for taking so many wonderful photos of us! Here are a few of the pages I have completed.

These are 3 of the 5 different houses I lived in before going away to college.

This is the field behind our house in Petaluma. We used to feed the horses that lived there.

This is my mom, sister and I on our bikes. It's the story that I heard over and over again about how my little horsey started rolling down our hill and all I could do was stand there and cry until my dad went and got it for me.

This is me when I was about 9 months I think. Wasn't I cute?


Blogger Unknown said...

i love the blog!!!!
and the pages!!!!!!!


10:06 AM


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