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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Contractions, haircuts, fevers and sweaters

Contractions: I'm having them, but they are far apart. I have actually been having them for a few days now. They range anywhere from 1 hour apart to 10 minutes. Last night they were very consistent 10-15 minute contractions and then I went to bed and they stopped. I woke up this morning with 30-60 minute contractions and they haven't really gotten closer. Only time will tell what happens the rest of the day, but I am not banking on meeting this baby today. My mom was all prepared to fly down tonight, but she cancelled her flight this morning. I even offered to mow the lawn if that would get things started, but nobody else thought that was a good idea. Maybe I will vacuum and mop the floors again like I did yesterday.

Haircuts: Luke had a haircut the other day. I just have to show you the before and after shots. I just got around to photographing him today because the camera has been packed away in my hosptial bag for a week. And, I had a cooperative subject. Yay!

Here he is last week blowing bubbles on the playground in our back yard:

And here he is today in front of our window in the living room:

Fevers: David unfortunately woke up this morning with a fever. No school for him. Not sure what is going on since that is his only symptom. I called the school to make sure that they knew that he was sick and I was still pregnant. We are going to attempt to take him to his school's open house tonight. We hope he is feeling better by then.

Sweaters: I'm done! Finally! I started working on this baby sweater about a month ago on a trip up to Mammoth Lakes. I finally finished it yesterday. It is knit with size 2 and 3 needles using a super soft blend of wool, cashmere, and microfiber yarn. Machine washable too! I used peach because I couldn't find the dusty rose color that pattern book featured. It took me a little while to get used to the small needles and the thin yarn, but it was so soft to knit with. During this project I learned how to make tiny button holes and how to pick up stitches (to make the collar). All in all, it was a great project and I love how it turned out. I will leave you with a few photos of the sweater. It is size 3-6 months.


Blogger Life After KP Retirement said...

Luke is beautiful and the sweater is beautiful also, I'm glad you stuck with finishing it and figuring out the instructions. I'm proud of you, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Can't wait to see what the baby girl looks like. Mom

6:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

such a gorgeous sweater, mimi! you're so talented. :)

7:52 PM


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