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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Keeping Up!

Wow, it's hard keep the blog updated with 3 kids to take care of! Mark has been working like a dog lately too. Most nights he is home by 7 or 8. Just enough time for the kids to see him before they go to bed. Some nights they don't see him at all. We are getting pretty tired of this schedule and can't wait for Christmas vacation!

Luke had his first dentist appointment on Monday. He had x-rays taken of his front teeth (the side teeth x-ray films didn't fit in his mouth!), his teeth polished and an exam by the dentist. He did great! I was so proud of him. He cooperated, he wasn't scared and he had a grand old time chating it up with everyone. He's such a character.

After the exam the dentist informed us that one of his front teeth was turning grey and pushed forward a bit. Probably from some sort of trauma to it (although we can't figure out when that happened). The other front tooth is a normal color, but it is pushed back a bit. As a result of that pushed back tooth, Luke doesn't have an overbite. So, when he closes his teeth, the top tooth rests on top of the bottom tooth. That means that his molars don't touch when he chews. Ding, ding, ding! Yep, that's why Luke takes forever to eat anything. He has to shift his jaw to chew properly. We go back in 3 months for another evaluation. I'm not sure what they want to do about this problem. We do know that if his grey tooth gets any greyer, gets loose or infected, they want to do a root canal on him. Ugh. Let's hope that we can avoid that.

On a happier note, Hannah is sleeping about 8 hours almost every night. It's so nice to feel somewhat rested during the day. Her reflux seems to be getting better too. She's not spitting up as much and has been nursing just fine. She goes in on the 21st for her 2 month well baby check.


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